Donnerstag, November 05, 2009

------Hold it toGETher bIrds Of a FEatHeR---

Finally moved!

I started to study 3 weeks ago.
..................................I moved out a month ago.
--------------------New World
_____________________________________New Life
.....................................................New Home
--------------------------New Friends

And I really must say: I Love it.

Let's go in:

ét Voila, mein neues Heim. How do you like it I'snt it beautifull?

Meine entzückenden Ratten: Asche (links hinten; unten) & Fäzes (rechts vorne)Marshmellow

Und neue Piercings (ILove 'em)

Nicht zu vergessen die neue Stadt

Could you feel more at home?
Untill then ^--^ö